Sunday, August 3, 2008

Welcome to the world of blogging

I can't believe that I am an official blogger!  After months of spending countless hours in front of the computer screen reading other people's blogs and saying "How do these people have time for this?" I have decided to try it!  If for no other reason simply to chronicle these crazy days of mothering my young children as the time goes by so fast.  After having my third child in October last year- The days are going by too fast and I just want to savor every moment.  I use to be a "scrap booker"- I was pretty good with my first child, not so good with my second and my 3rd child will be lucky if I get the pictures in a book for her.  I figured this blogging idea might really work for me- So, i think I will be using it mostly like a digital scrapbook for my children and family and friends who want to keep up with us.  I am not sure how often I will post or how it will go- but I am excited about it and hope that it is something that I can keep up with!  

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