Friday, May 15, 2009

My baby is 18 months....well actually almost nineteen

I can't believe my sweet AG is 18 months!  She is growing so quickly it makes me very sad!  I am so enjoying her at this age.  I want to remember everything about her during this time so I thought I would blog about her and her personality.

~You are the best sleeper ever!  You go down around 8:00 p.m. and sleep until 9:00 a.m. I often have to wake you up in the morning!! I am wondering how long this will last.

~You always wake up in the best mood!! Your favorite breakfast foods include scrambled eggs, waffles, cinnamon rolls, cereal with milk on it (you love to eat it with your hands) and muffins. Other foods you like are homemade vegetable soup, strawberries, oatmeal, and french fries.  You really are not a big fruit eater like your brother and sister.

~You love your small pink blanket (baby) as you call it that your Aunt Kim gave you!  Can't sleep with out it or leave home without it for that matter.

~You love your big sis L and big bro W- You just have learned to say both of there names this week and it just makes me smile!

~You absolutely ADORE your Daddy! I love to hear you say his name and say goodbye to him when he leaves for work.  He will tickle you and you scream" DAAAAA ----EEEEEEEEE" So cute!

~You have really started to talk more lately-Some of the words you say are ...mommy, daddy, ball, more, Abbie(our dog) actually every dog you see is called Abbie, car, cow, duck, baby, flower(fauwer), eat and bath.  This week you combined three words "bye, bye Daddy."  You will TRY to say anything someone tells you to say. 

~You love to watch Barney and your Baby Einstein  DVD's- You have learned several words in sign language by watching one them! (mommy, daddy, more, milk, blanket, bath, ball and friend)

~You love to play with your babies, talk on your cell phone, go down your slide, play outside, play with your sister and brother and Abbie our dog, bubbles ( just learned how to blow your own bubbles),  and climbing on all furniture!!

~You don't like having your diaper changed at all-  I have to chase you around to get you and then most of the time you are standing up while I am doing it.

~You love your bath at night and get the "nighttime crazies" as we call it and start running around the house giggling! 

~You are just the sweetest little thing- I am enjoying you so much and I sometimes want to freeze you at this age!

I love you sweet AG!!

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