Wednesday, April 1, 2009

An interview with mom....

Here are some questions that I asked L and W to answer about me.   The answers are so cute to me.  You really get to see inside the mind of a child and what they think about you! I thought I would really cherish this one day so I had to make a note of it.   L is 8 years old and W is 5.

1.  What is something Mom always says to you?
L- " I love you"
W- "Please and Thank you"

2.  What makes Mom happy?
L-"When I am good"

3.  What makes Mom sad?
L-"When I disobey her"
W-"When I am not here"

4.  What does your Mom do to make you laugh?
L-"say funny things"
W-"Tell Jokes"

5.  What was your mom like as a child?
W-" Like AG"

6.  How old is your Mom?
W- "I don't know?"

7.  How tall is your Mom?
L-"20 feet tall"  What????
W-"This tall" as he holds his arms out

8.  What is your Mom's favorite thing to do?
L-"Cook,clean the house and read"
W- "play games"

9.  What does your Mom do when your not around"
L-"Clean the house"
W- "Cry"

10.  If your mom becomes famous what would it be for?
W-"magic tricks"

11.  What is your mom really good at?
W-"taking care of babies"

12.  What is your Mom NOT really good at?
L-"playing basketball"
W-"working the TV"

13.  What does your mom do for her job?
L-"work for daddy"
W-"Take care of babies"

14.  What is your Mom's favorite food?

15.  What makes you proud of your Mom?
L-"That you get to be here everyday so I can see you!"
W-"When you decorate the couch"  


elizabeth said...

So Sweet! I love it that W said you "cry" when he is away. Cute.

courtney said...

decorate the couch?!? LOL!